lunes, 21 de mayo de 2007

What is ERP!!

Sistems that allow companies to manage all the resouces they have!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Enterprise Resource Planning systems (ERPs) integrate all DATA!!!
AS WE SAID IN LAST POST!!! Acme creates software to integrate all data, but the data integrations is a process in which organizations are willing to focalice all processes.
A typical ERP system will use multiple components of computer software and hardware to achieve the integration.
DATABASES is a key ingredient of most ERP systems to store data for the various system modules.


  • Integration software applications
  • Change how a product is made.
  • Effective dates can be used to control when the switch over
  • Security ERP to protect against both outsider crime


  • inadequate investment in ongoing training for involved personnel
  • lack of corporate policy protecting the integrity of the data in the ERP systems and how it is used.
  • Success depends on the skill and experience of the workforce, including training about how to make the system work correctly.
  • Many companies cut costs by cutting training budgets.
  • Privately owned small enterprises are often undercapitalized.
  • Customization of the ERP software is limited.
  • ERP systems can be very expensive to install often ranging from 30,000 to 500,000,000 for multinational companies.
  • ERPs are often seen as too rigid and too difficult to adapt to the specific workflow and business process of some companies.
  • Systems can be difficult to use.
  • Once a system is established, switching costs are very high for any one of the partners (reducing flexibility and strategic control at the corporate level).
  • Resistance in sharing sensitive internal information between departments can reduce the effectiveness of the software.

Data base!!!!

A database can be defined as a structured collection of data or records that is stored in a hardware. there are ways of the storage to be done, those are called database models, it exist 5 main data base models which are:

1. flat model. single or two dimensional array of data

2. hierarchical model. organized into a tree-like stucture, to keep records in a particular order.

3. relation model.

4. object database model

5 post-relational database model

To consider a collection of data a database it is necesary to have at least these properties: integrity, quality, access by a community of users, schema and query language!!!


As Acme is a software company is really important to know how to manage data bases because their product is how to make information more viewable with softwares!!!

they develop the tool to make usable the databases in order to have more organized info!!!

domingo, 20 de mayo de 2007


Speed, accuracy and durability of data transfer, access, manipulation and storage to achieve a market advantage main reasons to start an IT investment.

Is important to focus on business needs and wants first!!!!!!

Two fundamental business goals that drive market impact.

1. enhancing worker productivity and its ability to drive operational efficiency. Cost savings internally. Lower price points can drive incremental sales while preserving product & service profit margin.

2. Advanced Business Intelligence, allow a company’s leadership to adjust quickly to market trends and conditions, acquire accurate and meaningful knowledge point indicators.

Is important to have adiscussion of the overall business goals. Once we have established the business level goals, we then focus on what dependencies exist in the various IT segments, decide that moving to a unified communications platform is a necessity to enhance Worker Productivity. Therefore we may need to invest in a core infrastructure upgrade to achieve the efficiency goals established.

lunes, 14 de mayo de 2007

wiki page!!!

"wiki means in hawaiian quick"
Is a website which allows visitors to add, remove and edit content, fact that make wikis and effective tool allowing to make links among any number of pages. the problems rely on the source credibility and are criticized for unreliable materials they held and also misleading content. wiki pages make final assumption of the goodness of people.
Is really important for users to do not trust as a primary source of information and also as a post users to publish reliable information, is a matter of trust and responsability!!


productivity & business intelligence

The term started when military and various industries in 70s started development of electronics computers & information teory. The military has historically driven research by providing motivation & funding for innovation in the field of mechanization and computing.

The growth and development of information and communication technologies (ICTs) has led to their wide diffusion and application, thus increasing their economic and social impact. The OECD undertakes a wide range of activities aimed at improving our understanding of how ICTs contribute to sustainable economic growth and social well-being and their role in the shift toward knowledge-based societies.
Knowledge based societies are the new tendency, because societies can not still rely on comparative advantages it is needed to improve in knowledge and new technologies are the perfect tool to improve, it is also needed to start preparing all the infrastructures to the wave technologies change because are those sort of changes to become real!!




“San Victorino es uno de aquellos lugares que nos enseñan que las ciudades son seres vivos, con alma, esperanzas y nostalgias, que sin pasado no tienen identidad y sin futuro no tienen sentido. Que combinan la memoria y el progreso y tienen un alma que habita sus calles, esquinas, monumentos, en sus construcciones anónimas y en las famosas, elementos que tienen valor simbólico que es patrimonio de todos, un patrimonio publico, que a todos nos pertenece y que para mantenerlo necesita que no olvidemos su historia”