domingo, 3 de junio de 2007

sales force demo!!!

Sales force management systems are information sistems used in marketing and management that automate some sales and sales management functions. They are frequently combined with a marketing information system, in which case they are often called CRM systems.
Sales Force Automation Systems (SFA), typically a part of a company’s CRM system, is a system that automatically records all the stages in a sales process.
Sales force give the possibility of exchaging info by demand, manage customer relations, make marketing analysis and encourage innovation!!!!
it is easy to use, easy to personalize!!!
personalization is the key issue to help organizations evolve is a union of thousand of entreprises gathered toguether in the unique and most complete plataform on demand in the sector!!!


CRM start up as an enterprise business strategy must proceed with the evaluation and selection of enabling technologies they might be flexible enough to meet changing business requirements, it must also develop specific goals and objectives to drive the initial project. There are key metrics for evaluating business-related customer issues and

1. Customer Profitability Analysis:
How profitable customers are? and determine if these levels are acceptable, if it is lower than-expected or declining, customer profitability levels may want to focus first in CRM initiatives on increasing the value that customers are bring to the organization.

2. Customer Attrition Analysis:
Increasing attrition of customer base? Metrics should be used to monitor
the percentage of customers leaving over time. When experiencing high levels of attrition or increasing attrition, may need to consider customer-retention initiatives as one of their key objectives. However, to develop an effective strategy, merely knowing that customers are leaving is not enough.

3. Lifetime Value Recognition Analysis:
Organization could be wrong in the way they maximize the value that customers are expected to bring over their lifetime or the length of their expected relationships. It is necessary to calculate lifetime value and analyze whether they are meeting the expectations of the value that customers are expected to provide.

4. Products per Customer/Household Analysis:
An increase in the number of products per customer or household can indicate increased revenue, but does not necessarily indicate increased profitability. It is critical that it analyzes the number and types of products per customer/household. By looking at the two in combination, can focus on marketing and cross-sell initiatives that will increase
the number of products per customer/household in ways that increase customer value.

5. Customer Satisfaction Analysis:
Without an understanding of customer satisfaction, CRM efforts can be overly focused on
Marketing and sales activities. Without enough attention to customer service, customer service initiatives can be misguided.
Customer satisfaction is an important metric that spans all channels and products and can help predict customer loyalty as well as define areas of service improvement. To determine customer satisfaction, is needed to ask customers how satisfied they are about the products, services and channels they use.

6. Customer Needs and Preference Analysis:
CRM is more likely to be successful if FSPs provide customers with what they want
and need. What products are customers interested in? What features, functions and options do they prefer? What channels do they expect to be able to do business through?
The data derived from a sort of questions can be analyzed in aggregate to determine general preferences and needs that can be addressed or the data can be looked at on a customer-by customer basis to develop an initiative based on customer.

7. Bottom Line:
To develop successful CRM initiatives, organizations must understand customers’ pain points as well as what their customers want. They can then develop initiatives that provide value to the customer.

OOHH & What's a CRM!!!!!!!

Customer relationship management (CRM) creates a comprehensive picture of customer needs, expectations and behaviors by analyzing information from every customer transaction.
CRM creates the customer intelligence necessary to develop customer relationships!!!!!!!!!!
there are three basic aspects that can be implemented in isolation.
1. Operational: provide support to "front ofice" business processes as sales, marketing & services.
2. Collaborative:covers the direct interaction with customers.
3. Analytical: make usable the data for a variety of purposes.
The purpose of CRM software is to manage the customer through the entire lifecycle from prospect to qualified opportunity to order.

CRM software automates many of the needs of Marketing, Sales and Support users, such as Telephony, or the ability to conduct phone calls and manage call data, and tools to capture, share and manage automated alerts on lead data as it passes through the sales pipeline.
relations and grow revenues by creating more sales, and losing fewer customers.

viernes, 1 de junio de 2007

new tech homework

ander dice:
ander dice:
^TOGO(=';'=)^!!!!!! dice:
ander dice:
CRM Systems (Customer Relationship Management)
ander dice:
que es y explicacion
^TOGO(=';'=)^!!!!!! dice:
ander dice:
ander dice:
de este articulo
ander dice:
ander dice:
sacar un resumen
ander dice:
y postearlo
^TOGO(=';'=)^!!!!!! dice:
ander dice:
ander dice:
de esta demo
ander dice:
ander dice:
ander dice:
y decir lo que opinas
ander dice:
ander dice:
marketing funcionality tool
ander dice:
supongo que de salesfore
ander dice:
ander dice:
main funcionality de sales force e incribirse en ella
^TOGO(=';'=)^!!!!!! dice:
es lo primero q me dijiste
^TOGO(=';'=)^!!!!!! dice:
ander dice:
ander dice:
eso ya esta hecho
ander dice:
supongo que el lunes cuando vayamos
ander dice:
nos hara meternos ahi
ander dice:
y pulular por la web de

lunes, 21 de mayo de 2007

What is ERP!!

Sistems that allow companies to manage all the resouces they have!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Enterprise Resource Planning systems (ERPs) integrate all DATA!!!
AS WE SAID IN LAST POST!!! Acme creates software to integrate all data, but the data integrations is a process in which organizations are willing to focalice all processes.
A typical ERP system will use multiple components of computer software and hardware to achieve the integration.
DATABASES is a key ingredient of most ERP systems to store data for the various system modules.


  • Integration software applications
  • Change how a product is made.
  • Effective dates can be used to control when the switch over
  • Security ERP to protect against both outsider crime


  • inadequate investment in ongoing training for involved personnel
  • lack of corporate policy protecting the integrity of the data in the ERP systems and how it is used.
  • Success depends on the skill and experience of the workforce, including training about how to make the system work correctly.
  • Many companies cut costs by cutting training budgets.
  • Privately owned small enterprises are often undercapitalized.
  • Customization of the ERP software is limited.
  • ERP systems can be very expensive to install often ranging from 30,000 to 500,000,000 for multinational companies.
  • ERPs are often seen as too rigid and too difficult to adapt to the specific workflow and business process of some companies.
  • Systems can be difficult to use.
  • Once a system is established, switching costs are very high for any one of the partners (reducing flexibility and strategic control at the corporate level).
  • Resistance in sharing sensitive internal information between departments can reduce the effectiveness of the software.

Data base!!!!

A database can be defined as a structured collection of data or records that is stored in a hardware. there are ways of the storage to be done, those are called database models, it exist 5 main data base models which are:

1. flat model. single or two dimensional array of data

2. hierarchical model. organized into a tree-like stucture, to keep records in a particular order.

3. relation model.

4. object database model

5 post-relational database model

To consider a collection of data a database it is necesary to have at least these properties: integrity, quality, access by a community of users, schema and query language!!!


As Acme is a software company is really important to know how to manage data bases because their product is how to make information more viewable with softwares!!!

they develop the tool to make usable the databases in order to have more organized info!!!

domingo, 20 de mayo de 2007


Speed, accuracy and durability of data transfer, access, manipulation and storage to achieve a market advantage main reasons to start an IT investment.

Is important to focus on business needs and wants first!!!!!!

Two fundamental business goals that drive market impact.

1. enhancing worker productivity and its ability to drive operational efficiency. Cost savings internally. Lower price points can drive incremental sales while preserving product & service profit margin.

2. Advanced Business Intelligence, allow a company’s leadership to adjust quickly to market trends and conditions, acquire accurate and meaningful knowledge point indicators.

Is important to have adiscussion of the overall business goals. Once we have established the business level goals, we then focus on what dependencies exist in the various IT segments, decide that moving to a unified communications platform is a necessity to enhance Worker Productivity. Therefore we may need to invest in a core infrastructure upgrade to achieve the efficiency goals established.